Mariana Bay – The Internet’s Last Resort

Dwayne the Cat, Most Glorious Leader of the Mariana Bay

We are glad to have you on the Mariana Bay, the internet’s last resort! Founded in early 2023 by pioneers of a lost internet age, we aim to take you back to a time when the internet was more open and free. We run a forum which is the central focus of this venture but this blog will act as a way of sharing and archiving interesting articles and album reviews written by our users on there and anything else that comes to mind.

This site will also document the adventures and decrees of our most honorable dictator Dwayne the Cat, the proud leader of the Democratic Republic of Mariana Bay, or the DRMB for short. This will come under Bay News on the blog tab and will cover news and other matters from there which may interest those who enjoy the deep and nuanced lore of the Mariana Bay.

Ultimately, the Mariana Bay is part of a movement. A movement that aims bring back power to the common man who wishes to be himself online and be free from the persecution of large social media platform that have their talons tight on online communication these days. Some call this the Old Web Revival Movement but I call it freedom: a basic human right that all should have online or offline.

Hope you enjoy reading and delving through this blog and if you wish to be part of our old web revival effort be sure to join the forum ( as we would love to have you on there and answer any questions you may have or hear ideas you may suggest so we can improve even more, thanks!

For any frequently asked questions be sure to refer to our FAQ page ( and if you wish to contact our staff please visit the Contact page for more info (

Click the silly cat for a surprise!